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Order Information:
  • There are maximum 3 sites within Sites for You , first come first serve.
  • The sites within Sites for You will be displayed in text only. If you want to have image ads, please use banner or button advertising.
  • We also accept keywords buy within the search results, i.e., we can display banner or text of your site within the search results page according to the keywords you specify. The CPM is HK$138.00 for each keyword. Please specify the keywords you want within the comments or special instruction box

Sites for You: HK$388 per month for each category (with no rotation).
Button Advertising: 145 x 60 pixels; image size within 20K; HK$388 per month for each category (with no rotation).
Banner Advertising: 468 x 60 pixels; image size within 25K; HK$138 CPM.

  • If you want to select more than one category, try pressing Ctrl key and selecting the category at the same time.
  • If you don't want to use the pull-down menu to select categories, please copy and paste the urls of the categories into the comments or special instructions box.

Categories: Please choose the categories you want for Sites for you, banner ads or button ads.

Banner Advertising over other areas (468 x 60 pixels image) CPM: HK$138.

URL of your website: *

Duration of the ad. or your expected budget
Comments or special instructions:
  1. Minimum charge per order is HK$2000.00.
  2. Payment is due immediately upon receipt of Timway's invoice.
  3. Payment should be made by subscriber to Timway by cheque payable to Timway Hong Kong Search Engine Limited, and send it to : 14/F., 80 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. or bank deposit at Hong Kong Bank: 110-7-039222
  4. All payments received by Timway Hong Kong Search Engine Limited are not transferable.
  5. Advertisements shall be delivered upon receipt of the payments.
  6. CPM stands for cost per thousand impressions.
Receipt: Receipt will not be sent unless requested.
Advertising Agency: U Domain Web Hosting Company Ltd. , 24/7 Media Asia Ltd.

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